
Our ministry at Christ Church Westbourne is reliant entirely on the giving of our church members – we do not receive funding from any external source.

By God’s grace, as our ministries have grown and the costs have increased, we have seen a corresponding growth in giving to cover those costs. However, to continue to grow our ministries and to do all that we can to proclaim Christ faithfully, we face a constant financial challenge.

All church members are encouraged to keep their giving under review. Sacrificial giving for gospel work is a mark of spiritual maturity and therefore every Christian should aim to be giving for their church ministries at home and abroad. It will be costly, but it pleases our Heavenly Father and many at our church can testify to the joy that comes from giving generously and seeing the fruit in people’s lives.

A great bible passage on the grace of giving is found in 2 Corinthians 8 & 9 and it is worth church members studying these chapters prayerfully when considering their giving.

What form of giving is most helpful to the church?

The most helpful way to support the work of Christ Church Westbourne is planned giving. This can be done by setting up a standing order with your bank. They will then process your gifts each month automatically in accordance with your instructions. You can set up a Standing Order using your online or telephone banking and by quoting the following bank account details:

  • NatWest Bank Sort Code: 56-00-35
  • Account no: 31005977
  • Account Name: Christ Church Westbourne
Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a government scheme whereby charities can increase the value of your gift by reclaiming the basic rate tax on your gifts from HM Revenue & Customs. Christ Church can reclaim 25p of tax for every £1 you give at no extra cost to you. If you are eligible for Gift Aid, please download the Gift Aid Declaration form below, and return to The Treasurer, Christ Church, Alumhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH4 8ER.

Other Giving
If you find it easier you can place a cheque (payable to Christ Church Westbourne) or cash in the box at the back of the church at our Sunday services. You can also supplement your regular giving by one off payments by cheque or online banking at any time.

A gift from your estate can be included in your will. This is one way some people like to make a gift for the future.If you require any further information, please email the Finance Team at